Cute, small and probably evil. Meet the mogwai! Your friendly, local, plush sized eldrich abominations.
They're just visitors from a different dimension that have come to visit ours. Sure mogwai are kinda annoying, hard to get rid of and massively destructive But they're cute so they can't possibly be that bad...right?
Mogwai seem to appear from nowhere...only to settle down and never leave despite all efforts at removal. Unless you can convince a mogwai somewhere else would be better to live, you won't be able to get them to leave by force.
Where do they come from?
Actually...mogwai are beings that originate from another plane of existence. Mogwai come into this world from another dimension by gathering spiritual energy and assimilating it into a form for themself.
They come through at places with great negative energy or otherwise cursed/forsaken locations. It's easier for them to assimilate negative spiritual energy than pure spiritual energy because places with pure spiritual energy are usually under careful guard or routinely purified. Mogwai have to build up spiritual energy over time, so if the energy they've gathered becomes purified or their presence is exorcised, they have to start over.
Since they form at places with negetive spiritual energy, mogwai are seen as dark creatures/impure. They certainly don't help this perception by being ruthless when attacked! However, it is importaint to note that mogwai aren't necessarily evil-- they just have a natural affinity for it.
Why are they here?
The reason why mogwai here is unknown, but most belive that they're here simply...for fun. From what a few mogwai have said, it can be inferred that their original forms are some breed of eldrich abomination. Beings that exist outside the human concept of time and morality that have come over to this world mostly for a change of scenery.
A mogwai can't be killed, and those that have been banished from their world have comeback before.The reason for their appearance as a race is shrouded in mystery a best, but they don't seem to have malicious intents at least.
These strange creatures usually take small, plush or toy sized things. It's easy to mistake them for stuffed animals or mistake them as completely harmless because of their size.
Spiritual Energy
The thing that keeps mogwai in this world is spiritual energy. They need it to maintain their forms-- if a mogwai is cut off from all spiritual energy, it will eventually run out of spirit energy and be forced to return to the dimension it came from. However, this is extremely difficult to do, as there is natural environmental spiritual energy everywhere. It is not possible to kill a mogwai, only banish it back to its home dimension--and even then, there's no way to prevent it from coming back.
Mogwai size is influenced by spiritual energy. Smaller mogwai haven't been in this world as long as bigger mogwai. Bigger mogwai are also significantly more heavier than smaller mogwai who are extremely heavy to start--they have very dense bodies.
Actually, mogwai can "eat" eachother. A mogwai is capable of taking another mogwai's spiritual enrgy for its own, forcing the consumed mogwai to go back into their home dimension. This is the most notable way to "kill" a mogwai.
Animal Hybrids
A mogwai's form can be influenced by any combination of animals. They can have cat ears, bat wings, lizard tails or more. There's no real logic to it, but it is known that the mogwai's form in its original dimension influences its form in this one.
If a mogwai has a tail, it's prehensile. Tailed mogwai can use their tails to pick things up and can lengthen or shorten them at will. Some mogwai with reptilian tails have been known to use them as weapons of sorts.
On the other hand, mogwai with wings can't use them to fly. Mogwai wings are capable of movement, but are vestigial-- incapable of movement. Wings are made of the same material as the rest of the body and do not have feathers.
A mogwai's trademark feature is its face, or "mask". The mask is attached to the mogwai's face, can't be removed. It is the hardest surface of a mogwai's body, not unlike a porcelain mask.
Despite the hard surface of the mask, a mogwai can move their face to make expressions. They can open their eyes, and mouths at will. Any marks on the surface of the mogwai's mask can open up to reveal body parts-- mogwai do not have extra mouths or eyes on their mask where there are no marks.
The facial features on the mask all contain the same elements despite the variations. They resemble parts of Chinese characters. It is thought that the type of being the mogwai was before they came to this world influences the mask face they get. Most notably, mogwai with more eyes are more powerful than mogwai with less eyes.
Mogwai only really open their eyes when they feel great emotion-- like excitement, anger or fear. Even when their eyes are "closed", they can still see perfectly fine. They open their mouths far more often, especially to eat. Despite not needing to eat, most mogwai love eating, especially snack foods.
A mogwai's body in its plush form is rather simple-- black, with only the face, hands and mask/face. They do not have fur or hair. Some have described their bodies to have the texture and feel of mochi: soft and malleable. Squishy even. They even have a sort of elasticity can can be stretched.
Hands and arms are usually kept very close to the body in their smaller forms. But mogwai are capable of stretching arms and hands ou to significant lengths.
Mogwai are extremely durable. You can kick one across the room and it won't be harmed. Their skin can't be punctured, and it's believed they can't bleed in their smaller forms.
In these smaller forms, they're very heavy, much more than one would expect. Despite small size, they have high density! The heavier they are, the more powerful they are.
Human Form
In their small forms, mogwai can't talk. They can make noise, but anything they say in their small forms come out as gibberish to human ears. Because of this, mogwai have adapted and gained the ability to shift into humanoid forms.
The humanoid form a mogwai take on is highly influenced by their traits in their plush form. If a mogwai has a wings or a tail in their small form, they'll have them in their human/oid form as well. Mogwai can shift to hide these traits, but it's difficult to maintain for long periods of time.
Being in a human form takes more energy and makes the mogwai more vulnerable. Most mogwai prefer to stay in their smaller form because it's more convenient as a result. The longer a mogwai has stayed in the human world, the longer they can maintain their humanoid form.
If a mogwai gets really excited for whatever reason in their humanoid form, their control will slip and they'll look less human. Most notably, their facial features will revert back to their mask's face. Their inhuman traits will get exaggerated, like wings or ears would get bigger.
Mogwai can be extremely fast and extremely strong, even in their smaller forms. They have remarkable combat potential, but don't really fight unless provoked.
Because they are supernatural creatures, mogwai can float/"fly". They don't do so often because it takes a lot of energy, but they do have the ability to.
Most notably, mogwai can summon great red floating eyes around themselves when enraged. These eyes help make them more threatening and help simulate their combat potential. The true function of these eyes is still unknown, but much about mogwais is unknown to begin with.
Are Mogwai a closed species?
In a matter of speaking, yes! Only duldragin (IG/TH) is able to make them. However, it's not necessary for any owners of mogwai to follow the lore. The lore was mostly written for fun and as a loose concept.
Do I need to use the lore?
Nope! It's mostly here as a guideline. Duldragin mostly just wanted to have a pseudo horror species and ended up writing a lot about it.
Where can I adopt one?
Duldragin posts them on toyhouse, deviant art & amino at this present time! All mogwai to date have been OTA/offer to adopt.